jueves, 10 de septiembre de 2009

toma salero

Last HolidayXperiment

Mazinger on the moon.

El juguete de mi sobrino, el reciente recuerdo de la llegada a la luna, fragmentos de una película que no recuerdo y una sobre-exposición de colores son la excusa perfecta para jugar al coktail visual.

sábado, 18 de julio de 2009


“Cameo” is the trade mark of Cameo Media S.L., a contents management company. Its mission is to market films, documentaries, plays and musicals in DVD format via traditional channels, on-line and through new media channels.Cameo Media is an independent company founded in July 2003 by several Spanish film producers and distributors, Atla Films, Wanda Visión, Tornasol Films and Continental Productions and Juan Carlos Tous , a seasoned professional with a successful career in the audiovisual sector.Golem Distribution joined with Cameo in March 2004. In June 2005 El Deseo (Pedro and Agustín's Almodóvar company) decided to join Cameo. All of them give us a great position in the Spanish market.Cameo Media is a company that aims to manage video, TV and Internet rights in order to obtain the best results for producers, as well as benefits for all concerned, including third parties.
Why was it created?In the video market, not all genres were covered. The market for independent movies and film documentaries was a niche that Cameo focused on. There was no independent company that specialized in and worked with video, Tv and Internet rights. At this time, those products were distributed by large companies that didn't give the required attention to these rights. Because of this Cameo was created.In addition:There were no companies at this time orientated toward new technologies that distributed rights in formats, VOD or downloading.There were niches in the market to be filled and audiences were showing a clear tendency toward independent, auteur, documentary film and minority material.To summarize, Cameo started out in a market with excellent prospects.
ObjectivesOur main purpose is to bring these independent, auteur, documentary films closer to the audiences. Always in the best possible condition.
For the companies providing the rights:Our objective is to establish lasting relations based on mutual trust and benefits. We want to be the best video , Tv and Internet distribution company, the one that does the best for their product and makes satisfaction guaranteed.
For our clients:Our objective is based on offering them a meticulously prepared, top-quality product. They are our gateway to the end customer, which is why we aim to establish solid but flexible relations, always paying close attention to their needs and expectations.
For the filmmakers:They are our main reason for being. Without them, we would have no films, no plays, no documentaries, nothing that Cameo could market. We want to encourage them to continue making their films, following the process all the way through and helping us develope the DVD, a task that, up to now, just a few people had access to.
For the consumers:Our product and our contents has a loyal audience. We know they are cultured, demanding people who know about the sector. Quality is our main aim for them.
Differential ValuesWe offer new quality contents that are not aimed at the mass market, but rather at a market of large minorities.Our catalogue contains titles from a variety of artistic genres: Independent films ("Goodbye Lenin", "The live of the others", "The chorus", "Volver"…), documentaries ("Fahrenheit 9/11", "Super size me", "Road to Guantanamo" “Earth” “Planet Earth”), musicals ("Metal", “Kurt Cobain" “I’m your man” “Loquillo leyenda urbana”), TV series ("Fawlty Towers", "The Office", "Black Adder" “Berlin Alexander Platz”…)This is new because up to now, no one has exploited this type of auteur product in optimum conditions, which is why there is a great lack of them on the market.We are totally committed to the quality of the product and the service. We are well aware that the product we offer must meet the high quality standards demanded by both filmmakers and producers, as well as our customers. That is why we pay great attention to the quality of both picture and sound, and to all the tiny details are what make us different.
Who are we?Cameo is a company formed by young, enthusiastic and enterprising people. A small team of professionals with high experience in the sector.Juan Carlos Tous is a professional whose career spans over 15 years in the Spanish video sector. He started out in the video market in Filmax. A few years later, in 1993, he started with Manga Films, the company where he continued the rest of his professional career until 2003. In July 2003 he decided to take the risk of starting a new professional and personal project: Cameo. He is one of the founding partners and acts as General Manager.Marta Carrasco has also spent most of her professional career in the video sector. For six years, she performed the duties of Product Manager, DVD Manager, and Marketing Director in the Video and DVD division at Manga Films. She is in charge of the Marketing Department at Cameo.José Antonio de Luna worked five years as TV division Director of Sogepaq in duties of National TV sales, and simultaneously he's coordinating relevant video releases like "The sea inside", "The others" or "What women think". De Luna is in charge of Contents management for the new technologies department at Cameo. Jaume Ripoll’s career has developed in press news and Video sector. He worked at Manga Films for six years as Sales Manager and Marketing Advisor. In 2005 he joined Cameo where he is in charge of all online business.Ramon Caro has also spent his professional career in the audiovisual sector. He worked at Manga Films for 8 years as Sales Manager . Ramon is in charge of the Sales department at Cameo.Pilar Heredia has had a long and experienced career working in finance. She has worked with Cameo from the beginning and is the Administration Manager.Maite Robles started her professional career in the world of Cinema as Assistant Producer developing different projects. Since the beginning of Cameo, she has worked with the company as Senior DVD Product Manager.Cinta Crusells started her professional career in the world of audiovisual as film restore. She worked at marketing department of different Films Distribution Company and since 2007 she is working in Cameo as DVD Product Manager.Ruth Vidal , Fé Godoy and Pilar Dolado are the voice of the company and the indispensable support to the rest of the departments need to keep the good work.

martes, 16 de junio de 2009

Venta de herramientas para tallar la piedra y el mármol.

De distintos tamaños.De acero. Para marmolistas, escultores y canteros.

Topes,gradinas, gradinas de tenedor,cinceles, punteros, bujardas, bailarines e ingletes.

Soy forjador y hago herramientas de toda la vida.

Llamar al teléfono 699.098.023, Eduardo


Simposium en Francia


tienda on-line

espatulas para modelar arcilla, entre otras herramientas interesantes en Vicenc Piera al servicio del artista


En esta direccion encontraremos herramientas de todo tipo, gubias, para talla de madera principalmente, asi como todo tipo de herrmientas accesorias para la elaboracion de esculturas en este noble material

jueves, 2 de abril de 2009

blog de samurais

Ante mi recién adquirida obsesión por Japón, no puedo evitar realizar una búsqueda de todos aquellos estereotipos que envuelven al país, sus costumbres, su diferencia con occidente y sobre todo su peculiar visión de todo aquello que les envuelve. Es por ello que inicio http://onlysamurai.blogspot.com/ con la intención de recopilar imágenes para satisfacer mi curiosidad y buscar toda aquella información que considere oportuna. Pasando por la variedad de dioses que componen su religión, la ausencia de carne en su gastronomía, los samuráis con sus complejas normas de bushido, sus armas, mascaras y armaduras, su influencia en el cine, el manga, el shushi, netsukes y alguna que otra cosa que desconozco y descubriré por el camino.

lunes, 2 de marzo de 2009

are you looking for videos

Buscando videos: documentales, anime, manga, deportes, acción, curiosidades, tonterias, cosas serias... y todo aquello que no te esperas y por lo tano te sorprederá.

Free Rock, Metal, Indie, and Alternative Music Videos on Roxwel.

miércoles, 4 de febrero de 2009

viernes, 16 de enero de 2009

sábado, 29 de noviembre de 2008

SET de Cómic

Durante el 21 y 22 de noviembre de 2008 se ha celebrado Set de Còmic, en la ciudad de Lleida.

La primera convención de profesionales de este sector . Un encuentro entre autores, editores, distribuidoras, librerías y prensa especializada. La nueva convención llega en un momento de auge del cómic como medio de expresión artística y literaria, tras una larga tradición de autores y de publicaciones de referencia. La reciente creación de sendos premios nacionales, concedidos por el Ministerio de Cultura y por la Conselleria de Cultura de la Generalitat, demuestran esta mayor presencia del cómic entre el público general.

Set de còmic invita a los diferentes profesionales implicados a analizar la situación, a debatir y a lanzar ideas que contribuyan a reforzar al conjunto del sector y a generar nuevos proyectos y negocios. El objetivo de la convención es cohesionar y favorecer la comprensión mutua del trabajo que realizan empresarios, trabajadores,periodistas, escritores, dibujantes…, en definitiva, de todo aquel que forma parte del engranaje del mundo del octavo arte.

La directora de Set de Cómic es Esther Vázquez (propietaria de la librería Lleida Cómics-Norma comics Lleida), la dirección de arte va a cargo de Víctor Rivas y de Josep Maria Cazares, y la producción ejecutiva, de Suggeriments S.C.P.

A parte del “congreso”, los asistentes disfrutaron del arte de las viñetas con exposiciones, entre las que habrà un recuerdo muy especial para la brillante trayectoria del cómic en España, y la presentación de una nueva publicación.

domingo, 14 de septiembre de 2008

jueves, 31 de julio de 2008

Bacana Blog

Tras recibir un corto mensaje de algún desconocido, me quedé sorprendido por mi ignorancia.

Bacana, página. Escribía aquel que pasó por mi blog, seguramente de forma casual. En un principio pensé que se refería a bacanal, (Del lat. bacchanāle). En referencia al significado tres, en el que podría definirse el contenido de mi blog como una orgía visual.
1. adj. Dicho de ciertas fiestas de la Antigüedad: Celebradas en honor del dios Baco.

2. adj. desus. Perteneciente o relativo a este dios.
3. f. Orgía con mucho desorden y tumulto.
Sin embargo tras indagar, descubrí una palabra nueva:
bacán1, na.
1. adj. Chile, Col. y Cuba. En lenguaje juvenil, muy bueno, estupendo, excelente.
2. adj. Chile. Dicho de una persona: Prepotente, sobrada.
3. adj. Chile. Dicho de una persona o de un espectáculo: taquillero.
4. adj. coloq. Col. y Cuba. Dicho de una persona: Muy atractiva.

bacano, na.
1. adj. Col. bacán (‖ estupendo).

Gracias por enriquezer mi lenguaje, con palabras tan cercanas bien sonantes y hasta ahora desconocidas.

Gracias por hacer más grande mi blog.

lunes, 7 de julio de 2008

visita a Holanda

Tras una visita familiar a Holanda, no he podido evitar dejarme impresionar una vez más, por este país, al que mi padre define, como ordenado; y es que la armonia se respira continunamente, como un dialogo invisible entre, naturaleza, arquitectura y arte.

domingo, 22 de junio de 2008

domingo, 20 de abril de 2008

domingo, 13 de abril de 2008

another samurai animation

KODO - Heartbeat Video 2007



Heavenly Sword Anime Complete 1 - 5 on PS3

Heavenly Sword - Chapter Six The Goddess (Part 1 of 2)

SPOILER: heavenly sword ending cutscene